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#270. Mount Tamalpais with a View of San Francisco Bay.

  24 x 42, oil on canvas relined. Not signed. This painting was bought unframed at a tag sale by Robert Hall Fine Arts on Long Island NY. It was acquired by Alexander Gallery in NYC which added a period frame, then at Gerald Peters Gallery in New York City in November 2010. Sold for $27,500 + 20% at the Santa Fe Art Auction "Signature Live Sale on 6 November 2021 as lot 320.

Alfred Harrison of North Point Gallery, San Francisco, authenticated the painting as by Gilbert Munger. A well-known art restorer who has worked on many Mungers concurs. The signature may have been lost when the painting was relined. The title may have come from the tag sale. The prospect is likely from the top of Mount Tamalpais in Marin County CA, just north of the Golden Gate, looking northwest towards the Pacific coast. Thus, a better title would be A Glimpse of the Pacific from Mt. Tamalpais. Munger painted in this area in the early 1870s. Image provided by Gerald Peters Gallery, NYC.

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© Michael D. Schroeder 19 Dec 2012; Updated 20 Oct 2021.